- Control an internet of robots

Bounty Program has a bounty program. Accomplish some of the below tasks and we may pay you out for them. What's considered an accomplishment in these tasks is subjective and very hard to measure. Hence, they have to get to a point where considers them accomplished. Therefore, reach out to us before attempting any of them. What's listed here is a rough outline with rough approximations of the rewards that can be decided further in communication. The robots involved in this would use a private use of services, separate from the public platform.
Get a store to use a delivery robot by us. $100 CAD
Connect us with a store or business in a Southern Ontario city of population over 100,000, not including Toronto, to use a delivery robot in a pilot program. Payment happens when one of our physical robots is physically making deliveries from their location. You don't have to go all the way in the sales process, but if you find a company that is interested and you connect us, and we are able to set up a pilot program with them, then that is what we are looking for. If you have friends of friends or family with a store that would be interested in using delivery robots then feel free to refer them to get this bounty. Contact us for a more detailed plan, this might be easier than it sounds.
Get a security company to use one of our robots in a pilot program. $100 CAD
Connect us with a professional security company in a Southern Ontario city of population over 100,000, not including Toronto, to use one of our robots with one of their clients in a pilot program. We are willing to offer this at a highly discounted rate since it is a pilot program. Contact us to determine this, as it is very affordable and reasonable. Payment happens when one of our physical robots is physically on their location in the program. You don't have to go all the way in the sales process, but if you find a company that is interested and you connect us, and we are able to set up a pilot program with them, then that is what we are looking for. If you have friends of friends or family in such positions that would be interested in having such robots then feel free to refer them to get this bounty. Contact us for a more detailed plan, this might be easier than it sounds.
Get an end user to use one of our robots in a pilot program. $100 CAD
Get an end customer to use one of our security robots. This is essentially the same as the above task but without a security company in between. The customer must be in a Southern Ontario city of population over 100,000, not including Toronto. The customer can be any business who would otherwise use a security camera to monitor their premises, or an individual who wants to use it to monitor their house. We are willing to offer this at a highly discounted rate since it is a pilot program. Contact us beforehand to receive this, it is highly affordable and reasonable.
Get an end user to use a home robot by us. $100 CAD
This robot would have more functionality than the Remocon Rover. Get an end customer to use one of our robots in their home to accomplish household tasks. The customer must be in a Southern Ontario city of population over 100,000. We are willing to offer this at a highly discounted rate since it is a pilot program. Contact us beforehand to receive this, it is highly affordable and reasonable.
These are very rough outlines because the accomplishment of these tasks is hard to define. This applies to the bounty as well. Hence, if you are serious in wanting to accomplish one of the above, reach out to us and we are happy to fulfill our end of the deal we decide on.

Also note that if we were to lay out strict terms on these bounties on this page then they would be gamed by people. Among many other examples, we may in parallel reach out to some of the same companies that a bounty seeker reaches. In such cases we would not pay out bounties. Hence none of the amounts or terms are firm. These are all just rough outlines. From further conversation we can lay out a tentative agreement.